Inevitably, fake and illegal products has entering Indonesia market. National Food and Drugs Control Agency (BPOM) stated that there are 771 counterfeit and illegal products circulated in the last one year.
“The circulation of counterfeit and illegal food and drugs are increasing each year”, said the head of Information Center of BPOM, Reri Indriyani to the journalists on Tuesday (20/05)
Reri explained, in 2011 his team found 57 items of both counterfeit and illegal medicine and foods circulated in the country, “Meanwhile in 2012 it increases to 66 items”, she said.
The surprising fact is the circulation of counterfeit and illegal foods and drugs increases significantly in 2013, “In 2013, there are 837 items of counterfeit and illegal foods and drugs found. It increases by 771 items from the previous year.” she said.
Reri also stated, that data also showed that there is no deterrent effect to the producers of counterfeit and illegal foods and drugs in this country, “The illegal producers are not deterrent,” Reri stated.
That is why BPOM invited people to be more aware of the products they bought. People have to increase awareness on foods and drugs, “Do not just buy any medicine even though the counterfeit one is tempting,” she ended.