Monday (17/11/2014) PT. K-24 Indonesia, with a help of SMK Kesehatan Pelita Bangsa, held semi final and grand final round for National Student Competition of Nationalism (LCCK) 2014 for SMP/MTs students. This event was held in order to celebrate the 12th anniversary of PT. K-24 Indonesia on October 24.

The event was held at K-24 Academy, Jl. Godean KM 1, Jl. Tambak Kav.24, Kasihan, Bantul, D.I. Yogyakarta. This competition was participated by 12 groups (each group consisted of 3 students) from various SMP or MTs in Indonesia. Those 12 groups had joined online selection and eliminary round previously, which was held from 10 to 11 November 2014 at

This event was first opened by the deputy of Middle and Non Formal Education Government Organization (DIKMENOF) Bantul, Drs. H. Masharun, MM, and was attended by dr. Gideon Hartono (the chairman of PT. K-24 Indonesia), Ria Noorprihatma Damaradi. S.E., M.Kom (the headmaster of SMK Kesehatan Pelita Bangsa), Dra. Triana Purnawati MM. (The Deputy of DIKPORA/Government Organization for Youth and Sport Education), Prof. Dr. Joko Suryo (Professor of History from UGM), Drs. Pandu Wicaksono (The chief of MGMP Yogyakarta), and Andreas Retno, S.Pd (Citizenship teacher of SMK Kesehatan Pelita Bangsa)

The theme “Nationalism Insight” was chosen to maintain and remind young generation, especially students, of the importance of nationalism insight. According to Prof. Dr. Joko Suryo, the duty to build strong national character is the duty of every element in the nation. The competition of nationalism (LCCK) which was held by SMK Kesehatan Pelita Bangsa was a creative idea. Teaching without patronizing.

Besides, this competition aimed to nationalize and spread the culture of nationalism toward the country by understanding the basic rules of being citizen, building and guiding friendship within students which can empower national unity especially in nationalism insight. With strong national character, Indonesia will be ready to face globalization era.

After tight and accountable selection, the committee chose 3 winners of  National Student Competition of Nationalism (LCCK) 2014 for SMP/MTs students. The winners are:

1st Place: SMP Negeri 1 Pleret Bantul (Trophy from the Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture, Rp. 3.000.000 of scholarship, gold medals, competition certification, RP. 5.000.000,00 of scholarship to register at SMK Kesehatan Pelita Bangsa for 3 students)

2nd Place: MTsN Bantul (Trophy from the governor of DIY, Rp. 2.000.000 of scholarship, silver medals, competition certification, RP. 4.000.000,00 of scholarship to register at SMK Kesehatan Pelita Bangsa for 3 students)

3rd Place: SMP Negeri 7 Yogyakarta (Trophy from the regent of Bantul, Rp. 1.000.000 of scholarship, bronze medals, competition certification, RP. 3.000.000,00 of scholarship to register at SMK Kesehatan Pelita Bangsa for 3 students)

Congratulations for the winners of National Student Competition of Nationalism (LCCK) 2014 for SMP/MTs students.