Saturday (20/12/2014) Apotek K-24 hosted ‘doctorpreneurship’ seminar with the theme “The Chance of General Doctor to be Owner and Practitioner of JKN Plus and Skincare Clinic”. This event was held in the lobby of Hi-Lab Diagnostic Center, Jl. Yos Sudarso 27, Kotabaru, Yogyakarta (south of Kridosono stadium), starting from 08.30 to 14.00 WIB.
In the front of 140 seminar participants from various fields, ages, and profession such as general doctors and dentists practicing in private clinic or civil servant, dr. Gideon Hartono offered the chance of being a doctorpreneur by being the owner and practitioner of Klinik K-24.
Klinik K-24 is a JKN Plus clinic that provides JKN, adult vaccination center, and hemorrhoid center. This clinic later will be partnered with Apotek K-24 network which is spread across Indonesia. The benefit gained in this business opportunities is because this brand is already well-known, strong IT support, and retailed. The cost to establish the clinic according to dr, Gideon is affordable, about 100-150 million. By being a practitioner and owner of Klinik K-24, general doctor is predicted to earn 7-20 million per month.
Besides Klinik K-24, the other business opportunity offered is Ergia Klinik Skincare and Research, a beauty clinic which was established in 2014 by dr. Gideon with dr. Reza Purwoko, Sp. KK and dr. Agni. The cost needed to establish Ergia Klinik Skincare and Research is about 450 million depend on the class.
The seminar was opened with speech from dr. Lituhayu as the chief committee of the seminar and dr. Gideon Hartono as the founder and owner of Apotek K-24 and Hi-Lab Diagnostic Center. Later, the seminar was guided by dr. Maria Silvi by involving four speakers, who are Dra. Hardiah Djuliani, Apt. M.Kes (The deputy of Health Resource Division of Government Health Office DIY) as the representative of Government Health Office DIY, dr. Gideon Hartono, dr. Paran Bagionoto, Sp.B.FinaCS,FICS (the initiator of hemorroid treatment with PILA method - no pain no knife) and dr. Reza Yuridian Purwoko, Sp.KK (expert in meso aesthetic cell from Jakarta)
Hardiah Djuliani explained, according to the road map of national health, Indonesia has implemented Universal Health Coverage (UHC) since 1 January 2014. This UHC was organized through National Social Health Insurance (JKN) partnered with BPJS. The merging of social health insurance in BPJS and the case stratification through the division of role as health care, causing the general doctor role as family doctor is very high in UHC.
The cause of this case is general doctor is included in primary health facilities, which is the level of health care that serves all health problem, disease, preventive, diagnosis. For primary health facilities, the patient is allowed to choose and pick which preferable primary facility - it can be general doctor who practices in private clinic as long as the doctor signed MOU with BPJS.
In his seminar, dr. Gideon said that a doctorpreneur is not only a noble job that heals patients but also supporting his family, By being a doctorpreneur, a general doctor can also open job vacancy and give more life chance to others.
Klinik K-24 additional service as a hemorrhoid center was delivered by dr. Paran. Hemorrhoid or piles can occur to all ages, but the risk is higher to those aged above 45. This disease is one of 155 diseases which can be handled in primary health facility. However, from the available data, there is only 30% of hemorrhoid patients who visited the doctor.
The main reason why they do not want to visit doctor is because: the expensive cost for surgery, afraid of being under surgery, and surgery method which cannot heal it completely and there is even risk of relapsing. That is why dr. Paran introduced PILA method, hemorrhoid therapy without surgery - no knife, no bleeding, and no pain because it only needs 5 minutes treatment.
The material about Ergia Klinik Skincare and Research was delivered by dr. Reza by explaining various methods of latest skin care treatment which has been practiced and succeeded. Starting from skin care with mesogun, physical surgery, laser, thread lift, slimming, and stem cell from body fat.
In this event, dr. Gideon told his hope for the seminar participants, “I hope after attending this seminar, no matter how old you are, as the general doctor, you will go home with the spirit to be a doctorpreneur, a doctor and entrepreneur at once.”
For doctor peers who are willing to catch this business opportunities can contact dr. Lituhayu (CP: 087739332633), email: Besides, on Sunday (21/12) at 08.30 WIB, there will be social service for hemorrhoid treatment with PILA method for free. For those of you who suffer hemorrhoid on maximum stage three, you can register to Hi-Lab (0274) 557722. It is better to register yourself as soon as possible because it is limited only for 30 persons.