15/05/2009 YOGYAKARTA (HARIAN JOGJA) - Small and Medium Entreprises (Usaha Kecil Menengah - UKM) has potential to develop business by franchise system, because business expansion with franchise does not need a lot of budget. That was what Pietra Sarosa, the manager of Sarosa Consulting Group, said during that event. He explained that there are many benefits we can get from franchise business system. Some of benefits of franchise business are faster expansion, low budget, and promotion can be done together between franchisor and franchisee. With that system, the potential of a brand to be more popular among people is higher. He also reminded that this system needs seriousness and maturity to begin with, because there will be critical phase as it begins. That is why communication between two parties involved has to keep running. In the third year, there will be indication to pull themselves because it is potential to have conflict. However, if there is communication and understanding, those problems can be solved. Meanwhile, Gideon Hartono, a success franchise entrepreneur from Jogja with his brand Apotek K-24 added that the important things in this system are innovation, brave, and mature preparation. He gave an example in how he prepared Apotek K-24 franchise which needed a long process. At first, I saw that in Jogja there was no pharmacy that opens for 24 hours and sells medicine with the same price all the time. Finally, by the end of October 2002, I established Apotek K-24, he explained. Then, he decided to franchise his pharmacy. As the result, now there were 112 outlets spread across Indonesia. Moreover, now this pharmacy set 12 MURI records. Gideon also added, one more important thing in his company is branding. He said every business brand has to be unique and has character, including in choosing logo. The logo of Apotek K-24 is not inconsequential. The green, red, yellow, and white represent the diversity in Indonesia. The K stands for Komplit (complete) and 24 stands for 24 hours non stop, he said. In 2010, Gideon targeted that there will be 500 more outlets across Indonesia. This event was guided by a moderator from UKM centre of BPD DIY Kwartono Rachmadi (The head branch of BPD DIY). This event, which was a collaboration of Bank BPD DIY with Harian Jogja, was also attended by The General Director of Bank BPD DIY, Supriyatno, the General Director of PT. Aksara Dinamika Jogja Lulu Terianto, and the chief editor of Harian Jogja, YA Sunyoto.