Anticipating Counterfeit Medicine, Check Registration Number on Packaging. - Semarang, CyberNews - People’s low understanding and knowledge about medicine become one of triggers of the counterfeit medicine growth in Indonesia. That is why, people are instructed to be more aware, sharp, and critical in purchasing and choosing medicine that will be consumed. One of ways to identify it is to check the registration number displayed on the package as the symbol that the medicine is registered to be distributed in Indonesia. “There are many ways for the producers and distributor of counterfeit medicine. Their modus is to gather expired medicine and change it to new label and extend the expiry dates,” the chairman of Apotek K-24, dr. Gideon Hartono said during the press conference in Apotek K-24, Jl. Brigjen Katamso, Semarang, on Saturday (22/9)

That condition, Gideon continued, pushed Apotek K-24 which is a chain pharmacy in Indonesia to actively participate in stopping distribution of counterfeit medicine.

During the event themed “Apotek K-24 Perangi Obat Palsu (Apotek K-24 againsts counterfeit medicine)”, there was eradication of expired medicine also unused packaging and brochure distribution that contains information about how to avoid counterfeit medicine to people. The management team and all suppliers also signed on the declaration to fight against counterfeit medicine. Besides, there was also sticker “Apotek K-24 Hanya Jual Obat Asli ” sticking in all outlets of Apotek K-24.

“Since the beginning, we participated actively to support government program in fighting against counterfeit medicine by preventing the distribution of counterfeit medicine in all outlets of Apotek K-24. The other ways is to buy medicine from the official, trusted, and legal suppliers and re-check every received medicine.” Gideon also added.

He explained that the medicine which is often forged is the most salable and the most consumed medicine by people, such as antibiotics. Besides, the counterfeit medicine is the type of medicine which is often consumed by patients of certain disease continuously, such as diabetes, hypertension, and others.

The other ways to reduce counterfeit medicine distribution is to buy medicine with doctor’s prescription and redeem it at the pharmacy. “In order to be safer and guaranteed, it is better to redeem doctor’s prescription at the pharmacy. Even though there is no 100% guarantee that the medicine sold in the pharmacy is original, but the supervising is more stringent,” Gideon added.

The other things that need to be noticed is to check the quality of packaging of the medicine product. If the packaging is damaged or shabby, according to Gideon, it is better for the customers to reject it and ask for the medicine which is good and complete.

Besides, you should check the name and address of the producers, whether it is clear or not. Apotek K-24 also opens free consultation about counterfeit medicine for people in five outlets in Semarang.